The International Policy Center (IPC) is hosting this workshop as part of its Aid & Development series. At Aid & Development events, students build practical skills for future international development careers.
Weill Hall 1210 (September 11);
Weill Hall 1220 (September 13)
During this Aid & Development workshop, students will develop and apply design, planning, and management skills using a U.S. foreign aid project in East Africa as a case study.
Learn more about PubPol 480, an advanced undergraduate seminar that challenges public policy majors to consider how policy issues are framed and addressed in a non-U.S. context.
Join the Weiser Diplomacy Center for an information session with Lou Fintor, the Ford School’s Diplomat in Residence, a U.S. State Department Foreign Service Officer offering State Department career, internship, and fellowship information.
Join Brent McIntosh, UM alumna and former Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs for a discussion of the power, limits, and risks of economic sanctions as a tool of U.S. statecraft and the evolution of institutions of global financial coordination.
This panel will analyze historical and contemporary instances of sexual violence by state and non-state actors amid armed conflict in South Asia, and discuss some policy and diplomacy tools for violence prevention.
This is the third workshop of IPC’s "Aid & Development" series. At "Aid & Development" events, students build practical skills for future international development careers.
Drawing on unprecedented access to all six surviving members of Team Alpha - the first Americans behind enemy lines in Afghanistan after the 9/11 terrorist attacks of 2001 - Harnden tells the story of how the CIA and Green Berets infiltrated into the mountains of northern Afghanistan in a mission reminiscent of the OSS in World War II.
This presentation will explain the causes, contours, and possible outcomes of the largely unknown war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed territory of Karabakh, which is overwhelmingly Armenian in population but is located wholly inside Azerbaijan.
Bollywood megastar Aamir Khan and the 2016 film Dangal helped reduce India-China tensions, illustrating India’s intangible soft power through the circulation of Bollywood as a malleable cultural form.
Ambassador Mark Pekala will reflect on his experience as U.S. Ambassador to Latvia (2012 – 2014) and the shared policy priorities between the U.S., Latvia, and Latvia’s Baltic neighbors.
Professor John Chin’s (MPP '08) research focuses on the politics of unrest—from coups to nonviolent protest to assassinations—and regime change, authoritarian survival, and democratization.
This is the second workshop of IPC’s new "Aid & Development" series. At "Aid & Development" events, students build practical skills for future international development careers.
Dr. Bama Athreya is an expert on international labor issues, gender and social inclusion, business and human rights and will run a student workshop style discussion on using trade to address forced labor worldwide.
Students will break into groups to reconcile the various conflicting mandates of the state and international actors, seeking ways forward that respect international legal obligations.
This two-part workshop will provide students with a hands-on opportunity to develop and apply crucial design, planning, and management skills using a United States foreign aid project in Central America as a case study.
This symposium will bring together students from the University of Michigan and partner universities in the Midwest to learn from leading experts about the U.S.-Korea relationship and to engage in a diplomatic simulation on North Korea.
Students will learn the laws that influence water diplomacy in the Middle East and later represent Israel, Jordan and Palestine in a simulation to identify mechanisms that can enable more sustainable water management in the region.
Students will be able to participate in a Q&A in regards to Sasha Ingber's national security expertise that ranges from covering the collapse of Afghanistan to her efforts in the non-profit sector.
Ambassador Fried and Dr. Brudzinska discuss recent developments in central and eastern Europe and U.S. Biden administration foreign policy approach with a particular focus on challenges to democracy.
Developing Future Leaders in U.S.-Russia Relations
In this workshop, students will break into small groups, each tasked with determining U.S. preferences for the basic structure of the Strategic Stability Dialogue, its conduct, and its mandate and agenda.
Speakers propose a new theory detailing how disciplined, mechanized forces’ increased personal protection affords them decision space to apply greater restraint in tactical engagements.