Policy simulations
U.S. Army War College Simulation
On September 15 & 16, 2023, the Center for Strategic Leadership at the U.S. Army War College will host an International Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise at the Ford School. Students will focus on a specific region and will be tasked with using diplomacy to address a variety of issues associated with the conflict in the region.
2023 International Model NATO Conference
Two groups of Ford School public policy students participated in the International Model NATO Conference (https://internationalmodelnato.org/) held February 16-19, 2023, in Washington, DC, representing Germany and Norway.
NASPAA-Batten Student Simulation Competition

On February 27, 2021 the Weiser Diplomacy Center, the NYU and the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs virtually hosted more than 90 graduate students from universities around the globe who competed in a real-time simulation to stop the next infectious disease outbreak during the annual NASPAA-Batten Student Simulation Competition. Backed by real-world data, the simulation placed students in leadership roles within a time-sensitive, fast-paced environment where they worked together to minimize the impact of a deadly infectious disease. Read more here.
Practical Training Workshops
The Weiser Diplomacy Center convenes diplomatic policy simulations and other activities to provide students with hands-on experience managing real-world scenarios facing the U.S. abroad. In January 2023 John Fogarasi, former Senior Commercial Officer in U.S. embassies in Europe and South Korea, and former Ambassador and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources Robert Cekuta, organized a diplomatic policy simulation on the evolving energy crisis in Europe with a focus on U.S. foreign policy and the positions of key European nations. Students assumed roles as specific European countries, NSC specialists, or other officials, and drafted recommendations to the European energy crisis and mini-briefs on key country positions.