
Susan D. Page

Showing 1 - 29 of 29 results
State & Hill

Reactions: 2024 elections

Dec 17, 2024
In the days following the 2024 elections, we sought insights from Ford School faculty members: How did we arrive at this point? And where do we go from here?>>Jenna Bednar, professor of political science and public policy: “The election raised the...

One Year Later, No End in Sight for Mideast Wars

Nov 24, 2024
“Hamas has got the war they wanted.” That assessment came from Middle East scholar Hussein Ibish, who believes there has been a fundamental shift in the war between Israel and Hamas over the past year: from a more conventional airstrike campaign...
In the Media

“I am at a complete loss" Page on Haiti situation

Nov 17, 2024 The New York Times
Susan D. Page, Ford School professor, says the continuing crisis in Haiti is hard to explain. Page says “Everyone is just kind of astounded.” Because of that it will be hard to know how the incoming Trump administration will influence that...

Ford school faculty available to weigh in on 2024 elections

Jan 28, 2024
The University of Michigan has published an experts guide to the 2024 elections. Ford School faculty are available to offer insights on relevant issues impacting the elections, including the following:  Economics Betsey Stevenson, professor of...
In the Media

Page on scaling of USAID projects

Jun 26, 2023 Devex
Susan D. Page, Devex: Susan Page, who served as U.N. assistant secretary-general to Haiti and in various U.S. government roles, including USAID, said that even when the agency attempts to work with smaller organizations, often the math just doesn’t...
In the Media

Page speaks about U.S. mistakes in early Sudan negotiations

May 19, 2023 The World
Susan D. Page, The World: "They believed Berhan and Hemedti would in fact turn over power to the civilians...I could not believe that Molly Phee was getting on a plane to go talk to the generals shortly after they launched the coup. A number of us...

Ambassador Page widely sought for Sudan insights

May 10, 2023
As two rival generals continue their deadly feud for control of the Sudanese capital Khartoum, fears are rising of of another major regional conflagration. Ambassador Susan D. Page, Ford School Professor of Practice in International Diplomacy, has...

Announcing winter 2023 Ford School events

Jan 11, 2023
 The Ford School is pleased to announce an exciting lineup for the winter 2023 Policy Talks @ the Ford School series and other special public events hosted with partners from across campus. Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise...

Practicing diplomacy: Diplomacy Lab, winter 2022

Oct 13, 2022
For the third year in a row, University of Michigan students tackled policy-relevant questions posed by the U.S. State Department officials in Diplomacy Lab (DipLab) projects.  In the Winter 2022 term, graduate and undergraduate students formed...

Students simulate negotiations in the Arctic Circle

Sep 27, 2022
Geopolitical tensions are rising in the Arctic Circle, with disputes over territory and resources, environmental issues, and Indigenous People's way of life. In early September, nearly 30 undergraduate and graduate students from across the...
In the Media

Page discusses situation in Sudan

Jan 19, 2022 CNN One World
Sudanese civilians continue to protest the military coup, calling for democratic and free elections. Susan Page, professor of practice, weighed in on the situation. "The military and security forces have no shame. They continue to use live bullets...
In the Media

10 years later, Page discusses South Sudan's independence

Jul 9, 2021 Deep Dish Podcast
Susan D. Page, professor of practice in international diplomacy, recounted South Sudan's journey to independence on the Deep Dish podcast from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. “On July 9th, it will be the 10th anniversary of south Sudan’s...

Page reflects on representing America abroad

Sep 1, 2020
Ford School professor of practice Ambassador Susan Page served in the Foreign Service in Kenya, Botswana, and Rwanda, and was the first U.S. ambassador to South Sudan. In a recent article in The Atlantic, she reflected that her long career abroad...

The Hazards of Reporting on Human Rights Abuses

Dec 4, 2024, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Koessler Room (3rd Floor)
Please join Baktygul Chynybaeva (Kyrgyzstan), Kunāl Majumder (India), and Zahra Nader (Afghanistan), three of this year's Knight-Wallace Fellows, as they discuss the challenges of reporting on human rights abuses by governments and other actors.
Policy Talks @ the Ford School, Conversations Across Differences

Ibish and Miller: Perspectives on the Middle East crisis

Oct 30, 2024, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Joan and Sanford Weill Hall Annenberg Auditorium (1120)
In the year since the Hamas attack on Israel, the deadly conflict has widened into crises beyond Gaza -- in the West Bank, Lebanon, and Yemen. Two experts with long experience in Middle East policymaking return to the Ford School for a substantive policy conversation about the conflict and the broader implications for the region, and the ways in which U.S. policy and policymakers are acting and reacting to the crises. This event is open to Ford School students, faculty, and staff, and will be streamed live and on-demand.
Watch live from this page
Conversations Across Differences

Dean's Symposium - The State of Democracy around the World

Apr 12, 2024, 1:00 pm EDT
Betty Ford Classroom (1110)
Democracy around the world is both robust -- two billion people will be able to cast a ballot in 2924 -- and fragile, as threats to the voting process, to the structures of democratic society, and to the voters themselves afflict many nations. 
Watch live from this page

Careers in Public Service with UM Alum: Open House with Mark R. Jacobson

Feb 7, 2024, 10:00 am-11:30 pm EST
4th Floor Meijer Lounge, Weill Hall
Meet Mark Jacobson, a seasoned veteran who has made significant contributions to NATO, the Senate Committee on Armed Services, and held key roles at the Department of Defense. Mark's journey spans academia and military service.
Racial Foundations of Public Policy

Transnational advocacy and the BLM network

Mar 17, 2022, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Gay McDougall and Jamil Dakwar will join Professor John Ciorciari in conversation as part of a virtual series on the historical roots and impact of race shaping public policy in the global context.

What is the future of the Sudans?

Jan 24, 2022, 3:00-4:00 pm EST
The Brookings Institution's Africa Security Initiative will host a panel of experts—including Ambassador Susan D. Page, a professor of practice at the Ford School— to discuss the future of the Sudans, and what the United States and its partners can do to support them.
Ford School
Public Policy and Institutional Discrimination Series

Embracing diversity in national security and diplomacy

Oct 21, 2021, 12:00-12:50 pm EDT
The series, open to U-M students, faculty, and staff, is designed to foster dialogue on important issues of U.S. public policy. Facilitated by faculty discussants Susan Page and Javed Ali, this session focuses on the need for diversity in one of the nation’s oldest government agencies. 

What's next for Afghanistan?

Aug 30, 2021, 11:30 am-12:50 pm EDT
Betty Ford Classroom, 1110 Weill Hall
Join Ford School faculty for a conversation about the situation in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of U.S. and NATO forces.  

Reclaiming and repatriating African heritage

Feb 17, 2021, 11:00 am-12:15 pm EST
Ambassador Susan D. Page will moderate a discussion with cultural heritage experts from U-M and Africa surrounding the reclamation and repatriation of African heritage from Northern cultural institutions back to Africa.