Police reform in conflict-affected countries
Open exclusively to Ford School students.
Eric Beinhart, Senior Training Advisor in the Curriculum Development & Training Unit at the Criminal Investigative training Assistance Program (ICITAP) at the U.S. Department of JusticeDate & time
Mar 2, 2021,
11:30 am-12:30 pm EST
This is a Virtual Event.
In this lunch hour conversation with professor John Ciorciari, Eric Beinhart of the U.S. Department of Justice will discuss approaches to police reform in societies affected by conflict. He will share insights about ways to bridge the divide between formal law enforcement and traditional community governance structures in areas where state institutions have lacked capacity and/or legitimacy. He will also discuss the concept of “micro-training” as a way to boost police performance and public acceptance. He will draw on programs from northern Uganda and Sierra Leone as case examples.
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